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It’s your health, YOU matter!


Why Choose Arizona Pain Treatment Centers:

Why choose AZPTC for your arthritis pain? We believe it’s our missionto help and heal.

Let us guess, you are here because you are searching… searching for someone to give you hope The hope that what we offer you can make tomorrow easier than today. You hurt and your pain consumes you. If this sounds like you, we believe that the timing is perfect. It’s time to meet you, greet your pain, and make as much of it go away as possible! You have our full attention.

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Arizona Pain Treatment Center Offer:

15 years of experience in pain management and treatment

What causes arthritis?

In order to better understand what is going on when a person suffers from some form of arthritis, let us look at how a joint works.

Basically, a joint is where one bone moves on another bone. Ligaments hold the two bones together. The ligaments are like elastic bands, while they keep the bones in place your muscles relax or contract to make the joint move.

Cartilage covers the bone surface to stop the two bones from rubbing directly against each other. The covering of cartilage allows the joint to work smoothly and painlessly.

A capsule surrounds the joint. The space within the joint – the joint cavity – has synovial fluid. Synovial fluid nourishes the joint and the cartilage. The synovial fluid is produced by the synovium (synovial membrane) which lines the joint cavity.

If you have arthritis something has gone wrong with the joint(s). What goes wrong depends on what type of arthritis you have. It could be that the cartilage is wearing away, a lack of fluid, autoimmunity (your body attacking itself), infection, or a combination of many factors.

What is Arthritis?

The word Arthritis comes from the Greek ‘Arthron’ meaning “joint” and the Latin ‘itis’ meaning “inflammation.” The plural of Arthritis is Arthritides. Arthritis affects the musculoskeletal system, specifically the joints. It is the main cause of disability among people over fifty-five years of age in industrialized countries.

Arthritis is not a single disease – it is a term that covers over 100 medical conditions. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and generally affects elderly patients. Some forms of arthritis can affect people at a very early age.

Depending on the type of arthritis and symptoms present, our providers will prescribe an appropriate treatment and plan for each patient.

Types of Arthritis:

There are over 100 types of arthritis. Here are descriptions of some common ones, together with the causes:

Osteoarthritis– cartilage loses its elasticity. If the cartilage is stiff it becomes damaged more easily. The cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber, will gradually wear away in some areas. As the cartilage becomes damaged tendons and ligaments become stretched, causing pain. Eventually the bones may rub against each other causing very severe pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis– this is an inflammatory form of arthritis. The synovial membrane (synovium) is attacked, resulting in swelling and pain. If left untreated the arthritis can lead to deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis is significantly more common in women than men and generally strikes when the patient is aged between 40 and 60. However, children and much older people may also be affected.

Infectious Arthritis (Septic Arthritis)– an infection in the synovial fluid and tissues of a joint. It is usually caused by bacteria, but could also be caused by fungi or viruses. Bacteria, fungi or viruses may spread through the bloodstream from infected tissue nearby, and infect a joint. Most susceptible people are those who already have some form of arthritis and develop an infection that travels into the bloodstream.

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Get in Touch

8805 N 23rd Ave., #120 

Phoenix, AZ 85021

off of 23rd Ave. and Dunlap Rd.

Clinic Hours: M & Wed

4860 E. Baseline Rd., #103

Mesa, AZ 85206

off of Pierpont Dr. and Baseline Rd. 

Clinic Hours: 7-5 M thru Wed

1301 E McDowell Rd., #100

Phoenix, AZ 85006

off of 13th St. and McDowell Rd.

Clinic Hours: 7-5 M thru TH

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Mon - Thurs - 7 am - 5 pm

Fri - 8 am - 12 pm

Sat/Sun - Closed

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